Game Designer, will attend Play 2024
I discovered boardgames as a hobby in the nineties, as a teenager, first with Ludodélire games (Full Metal Planet, Supergang, Formula D,...), then Catan, El Grande and Tigris & Euphrates. In the 2000s, as my hobby and my collection grew, I created with some friends the Jeu de l'Année award, which quickly merged with the Cannes As d'Or. I then had the honor of being part of the jury of the As d'Or Jeu de l'Année for 4 years.
I joined the amazing team at Days of Wonder in 2008, just before the release of Small World. When the company was acquired by Asmodee six years later, I took over as Studio Director, leading a small and dedicated team which released Five Tribes and later Heat, as well as continuing to develop established ranges such as Ticket to Ride, Small World and Memoir '44.
Puerto Rico, the Princes of Florence and Meutere probably remain my all time favorite games. If one goal is trying to buy less games (the game room is full), I enjoyed a lot playing with friends and family, which are also a great playtester teams.